Your Kids Rebound From Pandemic Lockdowns
Rebound charts your way forward. It relies on facts and data from the nation’s leading medical and psychological authorities and sensible advice from numerous parenting and family experts

Be The Ball
For decades, scholars have wrestled with the character synergies and socio-Looper implications of the movie Caddyshack. But not anymore. This Faber College Doctoral Thesis explodes the heretofore unknown myths surrounding the top-notch players at Bushwood Country Club by employing Critical Golf Theory and in many ways out-finessing itself. Which is nice.

Tales from The Swamp
Revealed within this slender volume are Five Habits of the successful politicians who thrive in the Swamp. Yes, that Swamp - - Washington, D.C. - the breeding ground of all the cunning and shadows and maneuvering that defines American politics. A murky pool to navigate but brilliantly lit by those who seize and enhance true, sometimes massive political power.

Four Lessons from My Three Sons: Second Edition
Every Dad and Mom in America wants to raise a resilient kid. This 2nd Edition of "Four Lessons from My Three Sons" – expanded to include guidance for parents in a post-lockdown world - explains how the author’s parenting techniques helped propel his sons to the U.S. Naval Academy, Williams College and West Point and beyond.